75- Expeditions, Usurpers and War

With Molon dealt with, Antiochus III now turns his attention towards Lesser Media and the east. Hermias, the scheming minister, is fine with this decision given that there's an heir been born and the possibility of a regency should anything happen to the king. However, Antiochus has his own ideas- as does prince Achaeus over in Anatolia…

Sources for this episode:

  • Bevan, E. R. (1902), The House of Seleucus (Vol. I). London: Edward Arthur.
  • Cook, J. M. (1999), The Persians. London: The Folio Society.
  • Gershon, L., Smithsonian Magazine (2020), Grandson of President John Tyler, Who Left Office in 1845, Dies at Age 95 (online) (Accessed 24/06/2024).
  • Polybius (1979), Polybius the Histories, in Six Volumes (Volume III). Translated by W. R. Paton. Cambridge, Massachusetts and London: Harvard University Press and William Heinemann, Ltd.
  • Author unknown, Wikipedia (date unknown), Artabazanes (online) (Accessed 24/06/2024).
  • Author unknown, Wikipedia (date unknown), Darius III (online) (Accessed 24/06/2024).
  • Author unknown, Wikipedia (date unknown), Harrison Ruffin Tyler (online) (Accessed 24/06/2024).

74- Molon ‘the Unlucky’

The showdown is here, and as the title might give away- Molon might want to think of a backup career path instead of 'king'…

Sources for this episode:

  • Bevan, E. R. (1902), The House of Seleucus (Vol. I). London: Edward Arthur.
  • Polybius (1979), Polybius the Histories, in Six Volumes (Volume III). Translated by W. R. Paton. Cambridge, Massachusetts and London: Harvard University Press and William Heinemann, Ltd.
  • Author unknown, Wikipedia (date unknown), Alexander (satrap) (online) (Accessed 23/06/2024).
  • Author unknown, Wikipedia (date unknown), Antiochus (son of Antiochus III the Great) (online) (Accessed 23/06/2024).