To mark the fiftieth episode of After Alexander, we're going to go back in time all the way to the first wars of the successors to focus on Alexander IV. Specifically, we will focus on a point in his life we didn't mention the first time around- Alexander the Little was married!
Sources for this episode:
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Bevan, E. R. (1902), The House of Seleucus (Vol. I). London: Edward Arthur (eBook).
Geer, R. L. (1947), Diodorus of Sicily (Volume IX). Cambridge, Massachusetts and London: Harvard University Press and William Heinemann Ltd.
Grainger, J. D. (2014), The Rise of the Seleukid Empire (323- 223 BCE), Seleukos I to Seleukos III. Barnsley: Pen & Sword Books Ltd. (eBook).
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Matsamura, S. and Forster, P. (2008), Generation time and effective popular size in Polar Eskimos. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 275: 1501-1508.
Plutarch (1920), The Parallel Lives. Loeb Classical Library Volume IX. Reproduced by Thayer, B, University of Chicago (online) (Accessed 12/10/2023).
Rawlinson, G. (1871), A Manual of Ancient History, From the Earliest Times to the Fall of the Western Empire. Comprising the History of Chaldea, Assyria, Media, Babylonia, Lydia, Phoenicia, Syria, Judaea, Egypt, Carthage, Greece, Macedonia, Parthia, and Rome. New York: Harper & Brothers, Publishers.
Watson, J. S. (1853), on Attalus (date unknown), Justinus: Epitome of Pompeius Trogus' Philippic Histories (online) (Accessed 23/10/2023).
Welles, C. B. (1962), Diodorus of Sicily (Volume VIII). Cambridge, Massachusetts and London: Harvard University Press and William Heinemann Ltd.
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Author unknown, Wikipedia (date unknown), Arybbas of Epirus (online) (Accessed 12/10/2023).
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Author unknown, Wikipedia (date unknown), Demetrius I Poliorcetes (online) (Accessed 12/10/2023).
Author unknown, Wikipedia (date unknown), Neoptolemus II of Epirus (online) (Accessed 12/10/2023).
Author unknown, Wikipedia (date unknown), Philip II (online) (Accessed 12/10/2023).
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